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Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Dr Forbes Winslow, the ‘great mental specialist’.

Scotland Yard received the following letter from Dr Forbes Winslow, the ‘great mental specialist’: That there is an epidemic for murdering children at the present time there is no possible doubt. The chief and important point appears to be how to arrest the murderer, or murderers, and stop what is shocking society. In my opinion, the perpetrator of such crimes is a dangerous homicidal lunatic now at large. I believe that he could be easily run to earth were the proper steps taken. I might remind you that when ‘Jack the Ripper’ was carrying on his murderous career I traced the man from London to his lodging and asked for some assistance from Scotland Yard to further aid me in arresting the man. This was declined, though I was told by the authorities that what I suggested was well worthy of consideration, and had permission as a private individual to carry into operation my plan of action. This I declined and stated that unless I received the assistance asked for I should publish my clue in the morning newspapers.
This I subsequently did, with the result that from that time to the present murders of the ripper type ceased to be committed. I have investigated this late affair (I allude to the Islington tragedy), have interviewed the fellow children and heard their contradictory accounts of some imaginary person who was stated to have been seen hanging about the school yard. I am of opinion that the real murderer was not the person who deposited the parcel. I also believe that by a little common sense out of the usual ‘red-tapism’, and regarding the murder of a different type, and therefore requiring different plans of investigation from ordinary crimes, that there would not be the least difficulty in capturing, without further delay, the actual murderer. On this, I have no intention or saying further in the matter. In trying to capture a murderous lunatic different plans must be adopted to those, which would be adopted in capturing an ordinary criminal.

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